it takes a real man to handle the day to day challenges.
-Abraham Lincoln; paraphrased (poorly) from memory

The knitting around here has been slow going. See how long it took me to actually felt these things? And with the "unseasonable" humidity around here lately, it's going to take a while for them to dry. In other news, I just moved for the second time in two months (one word of advice: don't), I seem to have lost an entire kitchen box (the one with my pots and glasses), my family is coming to visit, and I still haven't made curtains. But at least I'll have some felted clogs . . .
Hi Theresa! The clogs lookd great! I'm so glad to hear that you successfully moved (although I understand how painful it must have been). I'm sure your family won't care about the curtains, etc. I'm working on curtains for our apartment, too. Perhaps we should form some sort of support group?
Theresa, I share your pain. I am in the midst of my second move in two months as well. You would think that I would be prepared for this, but instead I wander my apartment muttering, "Do I really need a casserole dish?" In fact, I have been known to mutter this statement at work at well.
As long as the stash is safe, everything else can be purchased again. Good luck!
i've lived in my current house for 2 years -- still no curtains.
and the condo before that -- 5 years. no curtains.
give yourself a break on the curtains. ;)
I'm glad you were able to move. Where did you end up finding a place?
Ugh. I hate moving. My sympathies. Have fun with the family! And curtains are totally overrated.
Yep - at least you'll have felted clogs! - nothing wrong with those priorities!!
The clogs look great! Can't wait to hear about the new place and that box might still turn up. I finally found a box of office stuff after being moved for a year and being certain it was lost forever.
Hey! I just moved for the second time in two months too!!! Just today. It stinks, doesn't it? And the humidity is brutal. Sigh. I hope you find that box!
Cure clogs!
Glad you decided to take the plunge and move. Hope you are liking your new place and I'll keep my fingers crossed that your box shows back up! Take care.
Well, it could have been worse - you could have lost your stash - and then where would you be?
The clogs, however, look decidedly east coast - I hope they fit in to the New Calilifestyle.
Good luck finding the pots!
I'm with you on the whole moving thing. You'll find that box eventually. Don't stress about it. At least you didn't lose yarn!!! ;-)
The heat is horrid. Eat out if you can. Cafeteria's don't count.
Those clogs are great.
Ugh. Moving. My brother and father just moved me from my apartment in Seattle to my parents' garage... and in 12 days, when my new apartment's ready, I'll be moving from garage to Olympia apartment.
I feel you.
Never underestimate the value of a good looking pair of clogs. Since I am living out of a suitcase in a strange moving limbo I do feel your pain. Best of luck with your new place. And let the parental units make the curtains; they'll feel more useful ;).
Theresa, Kate D., I feel your pain. Going into week 2 of the Great Manhattan Apartment search (part trois) I've seen 12 places, pissed off 2 brokers, been completely terrified by the basement lair and nicotene stained teeth of a third, and am no closer to finding a livable space. I think I hit bottom when telling a friend of an apartment I was seriously considering and making reference to "the window."
Yes, the window. As in one. In a two bedroom apartment. For 2,200 a month.
I'm with Maryse. 2 years in the house, almost 3, and no curtains. There are more important things in life. :)
I hope the box has since turned up - I seem to be unearthing kitchen things I don't ever remember buying and it could be remotely possible that the balance of the kitchen things in the world means that I didn't actually purchase them, and instead your things materialized here...
(moving is not my favorite thing to do - today is the last day I've got to pack, and so things are being thrown around.)
I hope all is well and you are getting a chance to enjoy an occasional night to yourself. The curtains can wait - and if all else fails, a cute shower curtain tacked up to the window frame can be a great fix.
(I didn't realize you were moving and hope all is okay!)
Your clogs look great, Theresa! I love your clogs so much that I just ordered the pattern. Good luck with the settling in--two moves in two months would have to be rough.
Hey, in a pinch I'm sure the felted clogs can fill in as pots and glasses. Maybe even curtains, if you're not too picky.
I hope you're settling into your new place nicely.
Any tips on making felted clogs? Words of wisdom? Bits of advice? I am about to make my first pair of felted clogs and although I have felted before I am a little nervous about mucking it up.
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