Friday, November 07, 2008

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  • Fun in the Cold - Scarf Edition

    One kind word can warm three winter months.
    -Japanese Proverb

    As I mentioned, I'm away from the interwebs this weekend, hopefully enjoying slightly chillier weather than is usual in San Diego. As I tried to pack, I was stuck with all sorts of difficult decisions about what to take. Which sweaters? Hats? Scarves? Mittens? And . . . it's only a 4 day trip.

    So let's admire the rubbermaid-of-winter. It lives under the bed.

    The scarves are difficult to see all piled up, but you do notice my Yardley's of London lavendar soap. Keeps everything smelling nice, and keeps the moths away.

    While going through, I realize a blogging omission from a few months ago. My lovely sister-in-law made me a scarf for my birthday. The full details are on her blog here. It's a lovely lace pattern in cotton, perfect for most of the weather in San Diego.

    In the meantime, which of the scarves to choose? Gosh, life is tough!

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    Blogger Knitting Up North said...

    Thanks, T! Have fun in Santa Fe with the fam! Love SC

    11/08/2008 7:15 AM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Teri, Enjoy your parents. Try to find some alone time with both mom and dad--dad of course, will insist on it. Either schedule him in or look for a 6am walk and talk. Your grandmom made me rip out completely my first sock. I somehow was kniting it backwards--counterclockwise and on the inside. It was working for me--somewhat. I have started over. We will see how it goes. Love, Aunt Carol

    11/08/2008 7:27 AM  
    Blogger JayJay said...

    Hmm, I may have to try the lavender soap trick. I hope Santa Fe was fun! I visited there a few years ago and really enjoyed it.

    Those are some beautiful scarves, including the lacy gift scarf.

    11/11/2008 9:28 AM  

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