Wednesday, November 21, 2007

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  • Seriously?

    The good stars met in your horoscop,
    Made you of spirit and fire and dew.

    After a couple continuous days of finished Christmas knits, let's review, and include some other options.

    I love this. I really do. But how many of these could you really make in time for the holidays?

    So since it's almost Thanksgiving and I almost get to decorate for Christmas, let's reassess our Christmas knitting progress.

    Here's mine:

    Trekking socks - done
    a baby sweater - done
    Merino Lace socks - done
    2 pairs of Log Cabin Socks - 1 pair done, 1 pair 50% done
    one cabled hat - done
    one scarf - cancelled
    one Shedir - done
    Regia socks - 25% done

    And since that was all going well, I'm contemplating adding on another baby sweater and another pair of socks. . . . or I could work on my poor neglected Denim Aran. I feel weird knitting for me over Christmas, though. Will ponder . . .

    How's yours?

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    Blogger Rebecca said...

    I just bought that issue and I am seriously feeling guilty for neglecting my Christmas knitting. You, on the other hand, have a fabulous list almost completed!

    11/21/2007 3:21 PM  
    Blogger Angelika said...

    You are right on it with that list. I wish I was so organized, but sometimes I get easily distracted. But there are lots of nice things in this issue.

    11/21/2007 4:33 PM  
    Blogger Tracy Batchelder said...

    My list was so short (only two items and quick knits at that). I'm finished, but reserve the right to add to the list if the urge hits me.

    11/22/2007 5:49 AM  

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