Tuesday, February 28, 2006

  • Main Page
  • At My Hearth

    You are a king by your own fireside,
    as much as any monarch on his throne.
    -Miguel de Cervantes, Don Quixote

    As "Antje, Katja's mom" (one of my favorite commenters, by the way) has pointed out, Am Kamin means "at the hearth" or "at the fireside" in German. We're all a little perplexed as to how this came to be in a Japanese pattern book, subtitled "New Style of Heirloom Knitting" (in English), came up with a German title for the pattern. Nevertheless, it adds to the international flavor of my Olympics.

    Pay no attention to the windswept, trying to keep from shivering form on your left. It was really really cold when we were taking these photos.

    And now, all the knitterly details you've been waiting for:

    Am Kamin
    Pattern: Am Kamin from New Style of Heirloom Knitting, details of how to order the Japanese book on the Crossed in Translation KAL blog
    Yarn: Cascade 220, color 4007, approx 7 1/2 skeins
    Needles: US 7 Addi Naturas
    Notes: (Of particular interest to others knitting this sweater.)
    • Reading Japanese patterns is so easy! Seriously! I've gotten a lot of emails and comments from people who look at it with fear, but as soon as you sit down with it, it's no different than any other charted knitting pattern with great schematics. In many ways, it was easier than a lot of English patterns.
    • Along those lines, this is a great pattern for reading your knitting. I didn't do any extra charting or spreadsheeting or anything - I just knit from the pattern. To maintain the delightful mirror-image symetry, just start knitting the row from the other direction. I thought of every cross as "towards the center" or "away from the center."
    • The raglan shaping at the shoulder (sleeve on top, and the seam is straighter in real life):

    • I had serious row gauge issues that necessitated me knitting more rows than called for in the pattern. The downside? Takes longer. The equivocal side? Heavier sweater. The silver lining? More lovely patterning.
    • The K2tog yo buttonholes are quite stretchy. If they stretch too much, I'll reinforce them.
    • I left all the stitches at the collar line live rather than binding them off and used them for the collar.
    • I notice that my right slanting lines of twisted stitches are more pronounced than my left slanting lines. Is this technique? I've recently heard of twisting stitches in both directions, which might account for the difference. Something to explore later.
    • The tubular cast on is the most gorgeous thing I've ever seen, and the tubular (aka Kitchener) bind off is similarly worth the extra time. Check it out on the collar.
    Best Thing About This Project: I love the sweater, but it can't hold a candle to Team College Hill and the Knitting Olympic spirit.


    Blogger Lynda said...

    I would wear that every day - and never take it off - I LOVE the color. You did an absolutely beautiful job - and it fits perfectly, always a big fear for me. Don't you love Cascade 220?

    I give you a platinum medal.

    2/28/2006 6:49 AM  
    Blogger Jenny Raye said...

    Am Kamin is drop dead gorgeous!!!

    I have the book and have done a ton of swatching, but couldn't get anything to work, but the Cascade 220 has me thinking. I have a ball in my stash for swatching purposes. My first try with it did not come out to gauge. Were you able to get spi gauge? I see that you were short on the row gauge. How did you handle that~~adapt the pattern I mean? This is definitely next in line after I finish my FLAK cardi.

    Again, totally lovely! Congrats.

    2/28/2006 7:51 AM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Oh Theresa, you're sweater is beautiful! You are such a talented knitter!

    Great job on the sweater and thanks for keeping us updated on the Team College Hill - you guys are the greatest!

    2/28/2006 8:07 AM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Every detail of this sweater is a masterpiece. I wish all you folks out there in Blogland could see the seams up close -- I don't know that I've ever seen more precise finishing. Theresa, I hope San Diego has a freakishly cold few years so you can give this beautiful sweater the wear it deserves.

    2/28/2006 8:27 AM  
    Blogger Vanessa/NessieNoodle said...

    OMG! that sweater came out FAB-U.
    Great work I love the detail and the color too~

    2/28/2006 9:56 AM  
    Blogger Chris said...

    Completely fabulous! I remain amazed that you completed something so intricate in 16 days!

    2/28/2006 11:06 AM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Totally amazing! I have that pattern, and I am part of the KAL, but I have to admit, I have been fearful of starting. This gorgeous sweater gives me confidence. Even more amazing that it was knit in 16 days!

    2/28/2006 11:15 AM  
    Blogger villaa ylle said...

    Wow! What a beautiful cardi. The colour is perfect and so is the size. I have to continue on mine after the olympics are over:)
    All the designs in the pattern book are named after different music. Am Kamin is by the russian Piotr Tschaikovsky other designs are for exampel Ondine by Maurice Ravel and Winterreise by Franz Schubert. Monica

    2/28/2006 11:31 AM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    It's beautiful! Congrautlations.

    2/28/2006 12:04 PM  
    Blogger Carole Knits said...

    Okay, Cara sent me over here. It's gorgeous! Congratulations on an amazing Olympic accomplishment.

    2/28/2006 12:17 PM  
    Blogger Rebekkah said...

    Beautiful work! You also chose a lovely shade of Cascade 220. I might have to copy you on that for an aran I hope to knit this summer. I love green, and I love heathered colors.

    2/28/2006 12:24 PM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    it's gorgeous and looks fabulous on you! I love it! wow! congratulations, that is a serious accomplishment. :)

    2/28/2006 12:36 PM  
    Blogger Heather said...

    I'm with Lynda, I would never take it off. Wow, that is a gorgeous sweater! I can't believe you knit that in only 16 days. I'm thinking it would take me 16 months. Great job!

    2/28/2006 12:40 PM  
    Blogger Steph said...

    It is so, so gorgeous. I am so, so jealous! I have the book, have the info for the KAL...just not...quite...ready...to try doing this sweater yet. Yours is definitely an inspiration!

    2/28/2006 12:59 PM  
    Blogger Carrie K said...

    OMG, that is glorious. Cara's right, that deserves more than a mere gold medal.

    2/28/2006 1:18 PM  
    Blogger vanessa said...

    bellissima :-)

    2/28/2006 1:24 PM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Truly a wonderful knitted work of art! I'm so glad Cara put up the link -- it's inspiring.

    2/28/2006 1:54 PM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    It's hard to believe, but it's actually even more beautiful in person. Now this sweater is an Olympic accomplishment!

    2/28/2006 2:51 PM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    It's got a German title because it's named for a piano piece by Tchaikovsky known as Am Kamin in German. The cover sweater is named Herbstlied after another piece in the cycle. All the projects are named for pieces of music.

    Gorgeous sweater!

    2/28/2006 2:57 PM  
    Blogger Tori said...

    Wow, You did a superb job with the color and fit of this sweater! That must have been a monumental task from what I hear regarding the pattern just being in one size and in Japanese. You're my hero! Take care, Tori

    2/28/2006 4:06 PM  
    Blogger Marina said...

    Psst, if I send you my yarn, can you knit it for me?

    2/28/2006 4:51 PM  
    Blogger Annie said...

    Absolutely gorgeous! You're halfway to talking me into getting that pattern! Monumental accomplishment.

    2/28/2006 5:17 PM  
    Blogger sillyewe said...

    Awesome!! Just fabulous. You are now on my permanent blog read. :-) I have the stuff, but hav yet to even swatch. Maybe this summer...... Thanks for sharing it. It's really is beautiful.

    2/28/2006 5:30 PM  
    Blogger Disentangled said...

    Wonderful, beautiful and spectacular! Congratulations on finishing such a great piece! It looks like something you will love forever.

    2/28/2006 8:09 PM  
    Blogger Jenn said...

    It is beautiful, as we knew it would be! I agree with Lynda- wear it every day!

    2/28/2006 8:47 PM  
    Blogger Pam said...

    Gorgeous sweater! I can't believe you finished it in 16 days! I think your success is the last straw - my Christmas gift certificate is going towards yarn for this sweater. Maybe I'd best order the book first, and finish my Olympic project ;-)

    2/28/2006 10:10 PM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Oh, it's lovely and it looks fabulous on you!

    3/01/2006 2:15 AM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Duh, that last comment was from me. Sorry! Tired!

    3/01/2006 2:17 AM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Very Very Nice!
    How did you get it done in only 16 days???

    I've been working on mine pretty much every evening, and while I only have about 67 rows to go on the sleeves, I feel like I'm WAY behind everyone else. We should get together at Christmastime, as mine is a cranberry color, just like in the book.

    3/01/2006 5:25 AM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Overwhelming and beautiful work! I'm still a bit intimidated by this pattern in Japanese - your notes also helped break down the cultural barriers!

    3/01/2006 5:57 AM  
    Blogger Marji said...

    I'm so impressed. It is gorgeous and you did an awesome job.
    and I love your medals!

    3/01/2006 6:49 AM  
    Blogger Kim said...

    Awe inspiring--the fact that you finished this in 16 days is amazing. It looks awesome :) I'm glad it can be done in Cascade 220, because it's one of my favorite yarns :) Great job--thanks for sharing!

    3/01/2006 8:11 AM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    What a beautiful sweater! I am really, really impressed that you were able to cable so quickly!! Because of you, I went and ordered the book yesterday! I think I even have enough Cascade 220 in my stash...like I really need another sweater on the needles!

    3/01/2006 10:16 AM  
    Blogger Norah said...

    Wow--that's beautiful! The fit, the color, the pattern, everything. Congratulations!

    I figured I'd drop in to let you know that you (or at least the sweater you wore to Knitsmiths) were the inspiration for my own Olympics project!

    3/03/2006 7:01 AM  
    Blogger Veronica Aldous said...

    any chance of a dear kind person letting me have the Am Kamin translation? I have the book, and see the chart is straightforward........ but the key?

    XX Veronica

    4/17/2008 10:34 AM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Your sweater is gorgeous! I've started knitting it in Cascade 220, and I, too, am having serious row gauge issues.

    I know that I can just knit a couple of more inches before I start the armhole. But how did you keep the pattern looking good for the raglan decreases? The original is so carefully mapped out....and I won't be starting in the same place or decreasing at the same rate as in the pattern.

    Thanks for any info that you can share!


    9/18/2009 8:34 AM  

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