Monday, November 17, 2008

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  • Seasonal

    A boy doesn't have to go to war to be a hero;
    he can say he doesn't like pie when he sees there isn't enough to go around.
    -Edgar Watson Howe

    Yesterday some friends and I went up into the mountains to escape the unseasonal 80 degree weather and smoke (from wildfires not that close to here).
    It was all kinds of seasonal up there, and in the photo essay you can even see the corner of the Nantucket Jacket. It might be a cotton sweater, but any day wearing handknits is better than a day not wearing handknits.
    The best part, though, is the pie. And the apple dumplings. And maybe that I got to finish half of the last sleeve of Park City on the drive. No, it was probably the pie . . .



    Blogger Angelika said...

    Is that Julian on Big Bear? I love that place.

    11/19/2008 1:55 PM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    The apple pie looks pretty darn good. Any handknit sweater in CA weather is a good thing.

    Where were you? it looks cute.

    11/19/2008 5:49 PM  

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