Another Stealth Project
not in a ballroom or church or synagogue.
It's a choice you make not just on your wedding day
but over and over again.
-Barabara De Angelis
I hope you will forgive a brief delay in (gorgeous) photos of the Chuppah. You see, in addition to flitgirl's wedding this weekend and all the crazy travel, I had another stealth project in the works.

Labels: Life
Best Wishes for a wonderful future together. Now you can knit him a sweater!!!
Congratulations!! How wonderful
-sockpalooza pal
Oh, wow! What news! Best wishes to you for a long and happy marriage.
Your hydrangeas are gorgeous, BTW.
Congratulations! What a wonderful surprise! I am so happy for the two of you and wish you a long and happy life together.
Hooray! I remembered you had said you were going to marry in July before the Beau went off on some training...I've been wondering, and now I know. :)Congratulations!!!!
Congratulations! Best wishes for a long and happy life together - and I'm glad you didn't wait. Next April seems so far away.
Get out! You are a sly one! Best wishes to you both.
Awesome! Congratulations and best wishes to both of you.
Congratulations and best wishes!
A little warning would have been nice. Now I've got coffee everywhere ;-)
Congratulations! And best wishes for the future.
Wow! Congratulations to you and very best wishes
Congratulations! May all your wishes be granted, and all your dreams come true!
MAZEL TOV!!! That's fantastic! G and I eloped, by ourselves, and it was the best day ever. And I love the quote you've got today.
That's really great! Congratulations - so romantic! I think I might cry.
How lovely! Congratulations!
Congratulations! I wish you many many years of happiness.
And here I came expecting pictures of the chuppah.....what a nice surprise. Congratulations!!! May life be filled with love, joy and happiness as you spend it together.
Ok, and now we can officially ask (am I beating mom on this one?) When is the first grandchild arriving??????? know I had to ask!
Holy sh . . . I mean, Holy Cow! CONGRATULATIONS! (and may I be the first to point out that your to-do list from your last post was not quite so thorough as it could have been? I tend to forget everything that's not written down, so that could have been bad (had I been you)). Anyway. Mazeltov!
Oh my goodness!! Talk about a surprise. Many, many blessings on you. Your love and respect for the beau shines through. May you have many years of happiness. I am so thrilled for you both. And you can now knit for him with impunity. Does he have a wish list?
Congratulations! May you have many happy years together.
Yay! Congratulations - two ceremonies means two opportunities to celebrate (and two cakes, I hope); enjoy!
Yay! Congratulations! All the best!
wow! what a great surprise! best wishes for a wonderful, long journey together!
Oh wow! Congratulations!!!!
Whoa - that has to be the best Stealth Project I've ever seen. Congratulations to you both!!!
Mozel Tov!! Smith and I eloped, too. It's so nice to have a wedding that is simple and small. The very, very best to you both and long life together!!
Holy moley! That's a heckuva suprise. Congratulations to you and the beau! Very awesome. So happy for you both!!
Yippee!! Congratulations!! The hubby and I are so happy for you both. :)
We should touch base soon about our Rhode Islander reunion in a couple weeks. :)
Best Wishes! The hydrangea's are beautiful.
Congratulations and may you both have many years of happiness!
You sneaky, sneaky things!!!! I agree with Karen, a most excellent stealth project.
Congrats to you both!!!!!!
Mazel Tov!!
Wishing you all the best in this grand adventure.
Oh, congratulations! I wish for you uncountable years of happiness!
OMG! Congratulations! I'm so happy for you! Thanks for sharing the wonderful news! :)
Oh. My. GOSH!!! I'm so happy for the two of you. Best wishes for a long, happy, and wonderful marriage. I, for one, can highly recommend it ;o)
(we get to see more pics from the big day, don't we!?)
Congratulations!!! (beautiful flowers, btw).
Congratulations from your friendly Kniitting Blogger Ring checker!
Goodness gracious! I hope that doesn't mean that someone is being deployed. Warm wishes.
Oh wow! Congratulations and best wishes for many, many loving years together!
That was one hell of a "family BBQ on the shore"!
A world of congratulations to you both -- what a year it has been for you!
Will there be a honeymoon? A mini-moon, at least?
Good for you! I hope you'll find many blessings in your life together! Hurray!!!
Congratulations! Best wishes for your happy future together!
Congrats Theresa! Hope you can make it out knitting soon so we can all congratulate you in person.
You little scamp--congrats to you both!!
Very stealthy! Congratulations! And may you two have many many years of happiness.
Congratulations! (And yes, I'm very surprised.) May you always be devoted to each other and may the Lord bless you both.
Congrats! All our love and well-wishes to you both. Now come visit soon!
Holy stealth operation, Batman. ;o)
Wow, very stealthy. Congrats!
What a way to foil the paparazzi! So now that he's not the affianced Beau, what are you going to call him on the blog???
How wonderful! Congratulations!!
Woo hoo! Congratulations!! Enjoy your newlywed moon :)
I am so very happy for you. Congratulations, may your lives be full.
You sneaky devils...
WOW - I'm gone for 3 days - come back and now you are MARRIED!! Congratulations Theresa! I'm thrilled for both of you!
(Dave and I were married in our backyard under a beautiful crabapple tree with only our families - PERFECT!)
Congrats on the wedding! So many people are hung up on a large ceremony when it's really about two souls coming together. Here's to a long and happy life together! :-D
Congratulations!! Yay, happiness; yay, wedded bliss!
Yay! Being married is the BEST. I'm so surprised by how much things have changed...for the better, in the month since my wedding! Enjoy.
Oh, that's marvelous! Enjoy the rosy glow, and all the best to you and your husband! (that word sounds weird applied to you, doesn't it? I still remember, and it was 15 years ago!)
Congrats! My best wishes for many wonderful years together!
Congratulations and best wishes! Your ring is beautiful!
Yippee, Yippee................Congratulations! You look beautiful!!!!!!
Congratulations! What a happy surprise!
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