Where I've Been; Where I'm Going
Labels: Babies, General Knitting, Life, Sewing
Knitting On The High Seas
Labels: Babies, General Knitting, Life, Sewing
Labels: Blogosphere, Life
Labels: General Knitting, Stash
Labels: Life
Labels: Babies
Friendly reminder: Have you backed up your computer lately?
It's moved to the top of my to-do list after a bit of an operating system scare this weekend. Fortunately, the kind folks at the Apple Genius Bar were able to fix the software glitch (and for free!), but it did remind me of how much stuff only exists on one computer. . . . Not the least of which are many photos of knitted goods and my trusty yarn-stash spreadsheet.
At any rate, with my computer down for the count for a few days, you'd think I'd actually get some knitting done. And I did, but the photos still need to be uploaded.
While we wait, I want to refer you again to my new favorite cookbook. Complete with blog. Artisan Bread in Five Minutes A Day. It's amazing. Tasty. Great crust, nice soft insides. Good tasting. Easy. And really everything bread should be, but super speedy. Making this bread requires flour, water, yeast, and salt. It takes less time (and energy) than driving to the grocery store. And it tastes better.
Plus, the smell of baking bread really goes nicely with some knitting. Which is coming soon.
Labels: Cooking